Welcome to Week 1!

With the start of the 2025 robotics season, our team has hit the ground running! From brainstorming designs and rapid prototyping to preparing for competitions, every subteam has been hard at work setting the foundation for an incredible season. This week, we focused on finalizing concepts, organizing resources, and building key components for our REEFSCAPE-themed field and robot. Whether it's designing systems, coding algorithms, wiring chassis, or strategizing gameplay, our team’s collaboration and determination are already shining through.

Here’s a recap of what each subteam accomplished during the first week of build season!

  • This week, the mechanical team made excellent progress in finishing the mock field! They built the reef, the starting barge, the algae, and the coral intake to accurately depict what the REEFSCAPE field will look like. Our mechanical team has also started building the robot for the competition with their completed assembly of the chassis base for the 2025 robot.

  • The safety team worked on the safety binder and talked to the lovely CAD team about a project for pit safety. They also helped the mechanical team with finishing our mock field.  

    Best of all, we are excited to say there have been no injuries so far during our build season!

  • Our programming team also made vast progress this week in training the newer members on Pathfinder and Proportional–Integral–Derivative (PID) controllers. They worked on updating the RoboRIO and vision systems, while also exploring subsystems for skeleton code.

  • The CAD team had a busy week with their work, from starting and finishing the Trophy Project to printing things for the safety team and researching for the design team.

  • The wiring team kept busy all week by working on the swerve chassis and making significant progress toward completing the wiring for the 2025 robot.

  • This week, the Business team looked over executive summaries and the outline for the impact essay, made important data charts, and prepped for important upcoming dates. The Business team also hand-packaged, stamped, and shipped over 160 letters for our upcoming Spaghetti Night fundraiser!  

    New projects are in the works! Keep your eyes peeled for new Iron Patriot button designs, new blog posts, and postcards.

  • The procurement team checked in with every one of our subteams and placed orders for essential items needed by our teams. Procurement also organized an entire cabinet dedicated to our wood.

  • Our strategy team collaborated with the design team and overviewed the rulebook for the REEFSCAPE competition. Both strategy and drive taped the field and rehearsed the new set of drive members on operating the robot.

Stay tuned as we continue building, innovating, and collaborating on our journey to bring our REEFSCAPE robot to life!


Making Waves in Week 2


Anchors Away, Hello Kick-off day!