Robotics Sponsorships

The school, students and booster club have undertaken the challenge of fundraising for the program which requires a financial commitment beyond the regular school budget.   Our yearly budget for our FRC team costs run over $35,000 a year to register in competitions, buy materials and tools, and help pay for travel and competition costs. Entry for a FRC competition alone is $6,000 and we compete in two regional competitions each year. We get some assistance from the district but most of our funding comes from sponsors like you! Our mentors participate on a volunteer basis.

We spend your sponsorship dollars on…

  • Reduced travel expenses to two out-of-town tournaments each year, plus Championships if we qualify.

  • Robot parts

  • Shop tools and machine maintenance

  • Safety equipment

  • Practice field construction

  • Outreach costs for school and public robot demonstrations, camps, science days, and more.

  • Insurance and costs of running a team

*New - We were able to offer college scholarships to our students due to a generous grant from HAAS. We would love to expand our scholarship program for our dedicated team members. Please contact us to discuss scholarship partnership opportunities! Your money doesn't just go to the 60+ students on our team, we spread STEM education to hundreds of kids a year.  We host tournaments for younger students, mentor at local junior high schools, provide a low-cost summer camp, and lead dozens of other outreach events each year. Your money helps us introduce robotics to kids who would not otherwise have these experiences.

Our team is diverse, we have a spot for everyone on our team, and we value inclusion. Beyer High School is 70% free or reduced lunch-eligible students and we want to make sure it remains accessible to everyone regardless of income. We have several ways for you to sponsor our team from Corporate Sponsors to individual donations.   Patriot Robotics is in our 13th year, and we have had some notable successes. In 2016 our FRC team had the privilege of competing in the FIRST World Championships competition in St. Louis. We were honored with the Engineering and Inspiration Award by NASA due to our extensive community outreach and promotion of STEM ideals. This was followed by a successful 2017 season in which the FRC team won the Arizona Regional Competition earning another trip to the FIRST World Championships in Houston.  We won the NASA sponsored Engineering Inspiration Award in both 2022 and 2023 and again earned a spot at the Houston World Championships for the last two years.  If you would like more information, please email us at and we can send you some materials or even arrange a tour of our facilities or a student presentation to your company. We love to show off our robots!

Platinum Sponsor $5,000+

Plaque and framed team photo with our robot. Company name and logo on our robot which competes in several National (and sometimes World) Events, team shirts which are worn at team and promotional events, as well as on our social media sites and website.

Gold Sponsor $2,500+

Company name and logo on our team shirts which are worn at team and promotional events, as well as on our social media sites and website.

Silver Sponsor $1,000+

Company name on team shirts which are worn at team and promotional events, as well as on our social media sites and website.

Bronze Sponsor $500+

Company Name on our social media sites and website.

Personal Sponsor

We welcome donations in any amount, as well as items to raffle at our Spaghetti Dinner. Thank you for your support!

In-Kind Sponsor

Donation of t-shirts, food, parts, supplies, tools or raw materials.  
Company Name on social media and website. 

Monthly Subscriber Plans

We also offer our same sponsorship packages as a monthly subscription through PayPal. PayPal will bill you monthly and you can cancel at any time. You do not need a PayPal account to sign up.

Personal Supporter - $10 per month

Bronze Level - $30 per month

Silver Level - $85 per month

Gold Level - $210 per month

Platinum Level - $420 per month