Anchors Away, Hello Kick-off day!
The tide has officially turned, and the FIRST Robotics REEFSCAPE season is upon us! This year, our team will embark on a thrilling journey across the seven seas of engineering to design a robot that can tackle underwater challenges and help preserve our imagined reefscape. With game pieces like coral and algae in play, our crew dove into action on Kickoff Day to chart the course for our season. Here’s a detailed log of what each subteam accomplished as we set sail on kick-off day.
Parents gathered on the morning of kick-off to discuss upcoming events, meal planning for our hungry crew, and logistics for competition voyages with our coaches. Their support is the wind in our sails.
The mechanical team’s ship set sail by constructing a coral dispenser for the mock field and prepared the chassis for wiring, which will be ready to finalize soon.
Our safety captain joined the mechanical team in setting up the mock field, keeping the deck free from hazards. They also began assembling a safety procedures binder.
Description Our programming pirates took their first plunge into the season by importing the library, getting the robot’s wheels turning, and adding photon lineup functionality. New recruits, or "programming deckhands," began learning the ropes with WPI Lib while the team fixed pesky RevLib software errors.text goes here
The CAD crew navigated through their winter projects and kept an ear out for the design team’s visions. They charted a course to help mechanical with prototyping while brainstorming their next big treasure: the trophy project.
The wiring team lit up Kickoff Day, flashing the CAN Spark Masses and preparing for upcoming projects.
Our business buccaneers got to work crafting the impact executive summaries and outlining the impact essay. They started building a guide for future business members, rekindled an old partnership with the Modesto Children’s Museum, and uploaded a trove of photos.
The procurement team organized the Anvil Case, started drafting a Bill of Materials (BOM), and ensured their supplies were shipshape. With a new mentor onboard, they began setting season goals to keep the ship stocked and ready.
As our team dives deeper into the REEFSCAPE challenge, each crew will continue navigating their waters, ensuring we reach treasure at the end of the season. With chili cheese dogs, chips, and veggies fueling us–Anchors away, and may the currents guide us to success!