Making Waves in Week 2
Week 2 Recap: Building Momentum
Week 2 was packed with progress as each subteam worked hard to bring our REEFSCAPE robot closer to life! From cutting and powder-coating parts to finalizing the rulebook test and troubleshooting vision systems, every member played a vital role in pushing our team forward. Here's a quick look at what we accomplished this week!
The Mechanical team made a lot of progress cutting pieces for the elevator and for the coral dispenser and made HUGE amounts of progress nearly finishing powder-coating our cut pieces. They also began working on bumpers.
Our programmers also made good progress updating the software sat and the robot code sat. they also started subsystems on Tuesday. The programmers also chipped away at Troubleshooting the vision all week long.
CAD team had a very long week looking into deep climb options and finishing Cranberry Alarm duplication. They finished many prints, and the new members learned a lot, from how to make a belt to Crayola documents.
The wiring team is proud to announce that they have finished wiring the chassis as well as the CAN Bus. They finished off the week by attaching the Orange PI.
Businesses worked on writing awards for the upcoming competition and put together a calendar for the shop highlighting the important upcoming days, events, and deadlines.
The procurement team was very helpful, assisting in setting up and taping the field, as well as organizing the tool cabinet. They also set up upcoming BOMs for each request our subteams put in.
The safety team helped the mechanical team with powder coating and set up a fire extinguisher for the outside of the anvil case.
The strategy team had the arduous task of reading and entirely finishing the rulebook and completing its test. They also helped tape the field